Hello all, just a quick note from me. Apologies for the lack of a post in a while. I am currently writing my dissertation and this is taking up most of my time! Hopefully I will have time to continue my posts on the Decade Volcanoes soon.
I will also be contributing to the website Earthquake-Report.com, with various comments from time to time on volcano related phenomena. My first post was today about the earthquake swarm beneath El Hierro. Some new features to come... Book reviews and I am going to do a little experimenting with videos! Tom
28/7/2011 08:35:35 am
If you take a look at the Catálogo Sísmico on IGN you can see that there were shallow earthquakes recorded in this swarm yesterday including two at 1km.
28/7/2011 08:38:32 am
Sorry, wrong link, try this :
Tom (Volcano-Blog)
28/7/2011 08:47:11 am
@brokker, thank you for this, when I wrote the article I was writing it based on the data I had already plotted. I have amended the article to indicate this.
28/7/2011 08:57:47 am
No problem. The earthquakes shown on the Catálogo Sísmico also include those lower than magnitude 1.5, these do not appear on IGN page which shows earthquakes for the past 10 days. 19/8/2011 05:20:20 pm
Best wishes on your dissertation! Comments are closed.
July 2023